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Sakae Sushi
The Chrysler Building

Every lazy sushi fan’s space-age dream come true—why wait for your dragon-sized order to be fired when you can instantly select your rolls of choice from a moving conveyor belt? At this Midtown-via-Singapore spot, a merry-go-round of ocean treats on color-coded plates.

Sakae Sushi
West Village NYC

We did it once so we did it again, bringing Sushi dining in the busy West Village up to speeds faster than fast food itself. 

Office Design

This project was different . We designed a Psychiatry office for a female Doctor that deals with patients that need a  space that feels inviting, comfortable,  private, relaxing, secured and also provides many safety features for the unknown. Everything was gutted from this little space and all kinds of security and safety gadgets were implied in a very unthreatning way.  

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